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DESCRIPTION Britannia Rules, by award-winning author and historian Colonel Lochlainn Seabrook, is a unique and captivating academic book that celebrates a seldom discussed, yet long and noble English, Welsh, Irish, and Scottish tradition; one that dates back to the earliest inhabitants of the British Isles: female-based religion. Here, the author overturns the long-standing notion that the first Britons and Celts were patriarchal and that they worshiped a male Heavenly Father. Using the latest archaeological, anthropological, etymological, onomastic, historical, and mythological evidence, Col. Seabrook shows that both the Anglo-Saxons and the Celts were matriarchal peoples who venerated the Supreme Being in female form. This Heavenly Mother of the early Celto-Britons was none other than the universal Great Goddess, venerated around the ancient world under a myriad of names, and who manifested in ancient Egypt as Isis, in Judaism as Asherah, in Hinduism as Kali Ma, in Gnostic Christianity as Sophia, in orthodox Christianity as Mary, and in Buddhism as Mara. In light of the overwhelming worldwide reemergence of feminine spirituality, the advent of the Goddess Reclamation Movement, the recent resurgence of British and American interest in traditional Anglo-Celtic culture, and the reexamination of the real relationship between Jesus and Mary Magdalene, Britannia Rules: Goddess-Worship in Ancient Anglo-Celtic Society is a topical work; one that will be read with keen interest, not only by those readers who are of English and Celtic heritage, but by people of all nationalities and faiths. (All text and images copyright © Sea Raven Press) Click on “Reviews 2” to see what people are saying about this book. And please leave a positive review on Amazon for us, thanks! DETAILS AUTHOR: Lochlainn Seabrook CONTENT: adult nonfiction SUBJECTS: thealogy (female-based religion), European spirituality, matricentirc religion, Old World religion ILLUSTRATED: yes (b/w) SIZE: 5.5” x 8.5” LENGTH: 204 pages COVER: paperback/perfect bound/matte finish; hardcover/case laminate/matte finish PUBLISHER: Sea Raven Press ISBN: 978-0-9827700-2-3 (paperback) ISBN: 978-1-943737-91-8 (hardcover)
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“Brilliant in its simplicity, Britannia Rules uses the structure of a brief etymological treatise to give a quick but enlightening and thoroughly engaging overview of ancient matriarchal-goddess society and its eventual repression and sublimation into the patriarchal religious culture of today. Wow. This is a fascinating and under-reported corner of thealogical studies, and Southern advocate Colonel Lochlann Seabrook (who clearly writes on a diversity of topics) does a good job, all by his lonesome, of covering the subject from various angles with this and his other fine books on the subject.”- KRISTOFER UPJOHN, Book Devil Review
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