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DESCRIPTION Did you know that . . . • American slavery got its start in the North? • the American abolition movement began in the South? • most Southern generals did not own slaves, and many, like Robert E. Lee, were abolitionists? • many Northern generals, like U.S. Grant, owned slaves and said they would not fight for abolition? • according to the 1860 Census a mere 4.8 percent of Southerners owned slaves, 95.2 percent did not? • Abraham Lincoln was a white separatist who wanted to send all blacks “back to Africa”? • Jefferson Davis adopted a black boy and freed Southern slaves before the North did? • Lincoln was not against slavery, he was against the spread of slavery? • Lincoln supported the idea of corralling African-Americans in their own all-black state? • true slavery was never practiced in the South? • the U.S. was originally known as “the Confederate States of America,” and that this is why the Southern Confederacy adopted this name for itself in 1861? • Lincoln "won" both the 1860 and 1864 elections with less than 50 percent of the American vote? • Lincoln was a big government liberal, Davis was a small government conservative? • not only were there countless socialists and communists in the mid 19th-Century Republican Party, dozens of socialists and communists worked in the Lincoln administration (e.g., Charles A. Dana) and served in the Union armies (e.g., Carl Schurz)—many of them personal friends of Karl Marx, the founder of modern communism? • there were tens of thousands of both black and Native-American slave owners? • Lincoln started the Civil War, not the South? • the North fought to "preserve the Union," not to abolish slavery? • the South fought to uphold the original Constitution, not to maintain slavery? • it would have cost ten times less to free the slaves and reimburse their owners than fight the War? • the Northern armies were racially segregated, the Southern armies were racially integrated? • after emancipation 95 percent of all blacks voluntarily remained in the South? • between 300,000 and 1 million African-Americans fought for the Confederacy? • Europe would have supported the South but she was scared off by Lincoln’s war threats? • Northern prisons had higher death rates than Southern ones? • the original Ku Klux Klan was an anti-Yankee organization with thousands of black members? • “Reconstruction” was a dismal failure, which is why the South is still recovering from the War? In Everything You Were Taught About the Civil War is Wrong, Ask a Southerner!, Southern historian and award-winning author Colonel Lochlainn Seabrook sets the record straight on these and hundreds of other commonly misrepresented topics in this easy-to-read, well documented handbook on the American “Civil War.” This international blockbuster is the book that every Civil War museum, house, gift shop, and Website has been waiting for, and which every Civil War buff and student of history has been asking for! Learn the truth about the War, secession, slavery, abolition, the Confederacy, the Union, Jefferson Davis, Abraham Lincoln, Reconstruction, and much more. This isn’t just a hard-hitting exposé of Yankee myth. Everything You Were Taught About the Civil War is Wrong, Ask a Southerner! has the power to heal hearts and change minds, for in reeducating the world about Lincoln's War it will give Northerners a better understanding of the conflict, while making Southerners, of all races and political persuasions, proud to be Southern! The foreword is by African-American educator Nelson W. Winbush, M.Ed., a grandson of the Confederacy’s only black chaplain, Private Louis Napoleon Nelson - one of 65 black Confederate soldiers who proudly served and fought under General Nathan Bedford Forrest. “Civil War” scholar Colonel Lochlainn Seabrook—winner of the prestigious Jefferson Davis Historical Gold Medal—is the most popular and prolific pro-South writer in the world today. His works have introduced hundreds of thousands to the truth about the War for Southern Independence. Pick up your copy of the five-star bestseller that everyone’s talking about and discover the facts about America’s “Great War” for yourself! Includes over 1000 endnotes, a 700-book bibliography, and an index, and is endorsed by Dixie Outfitters, the Southern National Congress, League of the South, and numerous other pro Southern heritage organizations and individuals. Available in four editions: 1) standard print size paperback, 2) standard print size hardcover, 3) large print size paperback, 4) large print size hardcover. (All text and images copyright © Sea Raven Press) Click on “Reviews 1” to see what people are saying about this book. And please leave a positive review on Amazon for us, thanks! DETAILS AUTHOR: Lochlainn Seabrook FOREWORD: Nelson W. Winbush, M.Ed. (African-American educator) CONTENT: adult nonfiction SUBJECTS: American Civil War, Southern history, politics, military, slavery, Victorian culture ILLUSTRATED: yes (b/w) SIZE: 5.5” x 8.5” LENGTH: paperback and hardcover editions, 266 pages; large print paperback and hardcover editions, 930 pages COVER: 1) paperback/perfect bound/matte finish; 2) hardcover/case laminate/matte finish; 3) paperback large print/perfect bound/matte finish; 4) hardcover large print/case laminate/matte finish PUBLISHER: Sea Raven Press ISBN: 978-0-9827700-7-8 (paperback) ISBN: 978-1-943737-01-7 (hardcover) ISBN: 978-1-943737-30-7 (large print paperback) ISBN: 978-1-955351-21-8 (large print hardcover)
"Everything You Were Taught About the Civil War is Wrong, Ask a Southerner!" from Sea Raven Press (large print paperback)
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AMAZON REVIEW, FIVE STARS: A MUST READ FOR EVERYONE!: “This should be one of the required books to read while in school. This book presents documented, unreconstructed facts and sheds so much light and truth on many commonly believed falsehoods. It is well written and a fantastic read.” - TIFFANY FLETCHERON
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All We Ask is to be Let Alone: The Southern Secession Fact Book
"All We Ask is to be Let Alone: The Southern Secession Fact Book," from Sea Raven Press (paperback)
Confederate Monuments: Why Every American Should Honor Confederate Soldiers
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"Everything You Were Taught About the Civil War is Wrong, Ask a Southerner!" from Sea Raven Press (large print hardcover)
"America's Three Constitutions," from Sea Raven Press (paperback)
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"I, Confederate: Why Dixie Seceded and Fought in the Words of Southern Soldiers," from Sea Raven Press (hardcover)
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Reviewed in

Confederate Veteran

magazine, May-June

2012 issue

"Everything You Were Taught About the Civil War is Wrong, Ask a Southerner!" from Sea Raven Press (hardcover) "Everything You Were Taught About the Civil War is Wrong, Ask a Southerner!" from Sea Raven Press (paperback)