Rise Up and Call Them Blessed is the most complete and accurate defense of the Confederate soldier and the Southern Cause ever written. Kudos to Colonel Seabrook. Five stars!” - THE PUBLISHER



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DESCRIPTION Ever since Lincoln’s War, the North has referred to Southerners as “traitors” and “rebels,” while claiming that the conflict itself was fought “over slavery.” After the War Confederate veterans were often ridiculed, slandered, and disgraced, prohibited from wearing their uniforms, displaying Confederate emblems, establishing Confederate cemeteries, or erecting Confederate monuments. Southern women were even prevented from decorating the graves of their husbands, sons, brothers, and sweethearts. This anti-South sentiment has been vigorously carried into the present day: the Confederate Flag is being banned, Confederate graves are regularly defaced, Confederate monuments are being torn down across the country, and once again the old charges of “treason” and “racism” are being hurled at the South. Is any of this credible? Of course not! And award-winning historian Colonel Lochlainn Seabrook proves it in his unprecedented work, Rise Up and Call Them Blessed: Victorian Tributes to the Confederate Soldier, 1861-1901. Here, those who lived during the War, and more particularly those who fought in it, are given voice to describe, explain, and vindicate the actions of the South, from secession to so-called “Reconstruction,” in an open, truthful, and objective forum—without the intrusion of editorializing pro-Union partisans. Thanks to Col. Seabrook we are no longer dependent on the biased and willfully uninformed opinions of South-loathing historians to learn the truth about the War. We can finally view and understand the conflict as it was actually experienced by the Conservative people of Dixie, rather than by those using presentism, South-shaming, revisionism, and other Leftist tactics to conceal the crimes and illegalities of the Liberal North. Covering the mid to late Victorian period, Col. Seabrook, a leading authority on Confederate culture, has carefully selected excerpts from some 300 letters, speeches, reminiscences, personal observations, anecdotes, stories, and official reports (military and civilian), that fill in the many blank spaces left by Yankee historians. His entries are made all the more enlightening and historically accurate by his inclusion of the words of both men and women, European-Americans and African-Americans, slaves and free blacks, Southerners and Northerners, Confederate soldiers and Union soldiers, privates and generals, surgeons and prisoners, upper class and lower class, educated and unschooled, Conservatives and Liberals, sectionalists and nationalists; nearly the entire spectrum of Victorian American society. Generously illustrated and comprehensively researched, Rise Up and Call Them Blessed reveals what Northern histories of the War have been studiously avoiding for the past 150 years: The South was not treasonous in leaving the Union; at that time secession was a legal act of true conservatism and patriotism. The South did not take up arms over slavery; she fought to preserve the original government of the Founding Fathers. The South did not detest the black man; instead he was welcomed into the Confederate armies with the promise of emancipation at war’s end. The Confederate soldier was not hated by Union officers; Federal heroes such as Grant, Sherman, and Sheridan, in fact, were in awe of them. Victorian Yankees, like Lincoln’s son Robert Todd Lincoln, actually promoted the establishment of Confederate monuments in the North, while U.S. presidents like Theodore Roosevelt took every opportunity to heap praise upon the Confederate soldier. President William McKinley went as far as to declare that it is the responsibility of all Americans to care for the graves of the Confederate dead. These and a thousand other suppressed facts are fully revealed here in the words of Southerners themselves, firsthand accounts offering complete justification for the South’s behavior before, during, and after Lincoln’s War. Available in paperback and hardcover. (All text and images copyright © Sea Raven Press) Click on “Reviews 2” to see what people are saying about this book. And please leave a positive review on Amazon for us, thanks! DETAILS AUTHOR-EDITOR: Lochlainn Seabrook CONTENT: adult nonfiction SUBJECTS: American Civil War, Southern literature, Confederate culture, Victorian society ILLUSTRATED: yes (b/w) SIZE: 5.5” x 8.5” LENGTH: 596 pages COVER: paperback/perfect bound/gloss finish; hardcover/case laminate/matte finish PUBLISHER: Sea Raven Press ISBN: 978-1-943737-57-4 (paperback) ISBN: 978-1-943737-58-1 (hardcover)

Reviewed in


Veteran magazine,

Jan.-Feb. 2024 issue

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