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DESCRIPTION We are all very familiar with the Yankee version of the American “Civil War,” what we call the War for Southern Independence here in the South. Indeed, all of our accepted history books are written from the North’s point of view, with thousands of volumes alone dedicated to U.S. President Abraham Lincoln and his two vice presidents, Hannibal Hamlin and Andrew Johnson. But what about the Southern view of the War? And what about the Confederacy’s two greatest leaders, President Jefferson Davis and his second in command, Vice President Alexander H. Stephens? The answer is that the liberal pro-North movement has completely suppressed the South’s account of the War, along with any honest and accurate information concerning Davis and Stephens. What facts anti-South writers have not been able to stifle or even extinguish, they have rewritten, all in an effort to justify and legalize an unjustifiable and illegal War. In his ongoing efforts to resuscitate and preserve authentic Southern history, popular award-winning author Colonel Lochlainn Seabrook has written The Alexander H. Stephens Reader, a one-of-a-kind, 1,050 page volume providing, as the subtitle indicates, topical Excerpts From the Works of a Confederate Founding Father. Conveniently divided into two sections, Col. Seabrook devotes thirty heavily footnoted chapters to selections from the vice president’s enormous output of personal and public letters, speeches, official testimony, recollections, responses to critics, and literary works. The period covered is from 1836 to 1881, with the last half of the book dedicated to excerpts from Stephens’ deservedly renowned two-volume tome, A Constitutional View of the Late War Between the States, published in 1868 and 1870. Col. Seabrook’s unique work provides us with something of inestimable value: the Truth about Lincoln’s War on the South and the Constitution. From Stephens’ own pen and lips we get not only a rare look at the Southern perspective of the War, but also the governmental history of the formation of our great “Confederated Republic,” as George Washington called the U.S.A. We also learn of the Founding Fathers’ struggle to forge a workable constitution, the early battle between Southern conservatives and Northern liberals over the ideas of limited and big government, and the honest facts about slavery, the Confederate and Union Causes, and the American “Civil War” - our country's second Revolutionary War of Secession. At the end of Chapter Thirty, the reader is left with only one conclusion; the very one that strict constitutionalist Stephens, a brilliant lawyer, writer, and orator, spent the entire last half of his life evangelizing: because secession literally gave birth to the U.S.A. in 1776 and is tacitly guaranteed in the Constitution (Tenth Amendment), it is still legal to this day. Thus, the “Civil War” was an illicit and unwarranted conflict and Abraham Lincoln was a war criminal. The Alexander H. Stephens Reader, already becoming a classic in its field, will forever change the way you look at American history, the Confederacy, the Union, the War, the U.S. Constitution, and Confederate Vice President Stephens himself. Available in paperback and ahrdcover. (All text and images copyright © Sea Raven Press) Click on “Reviews 2” to see what people are saying about this book. And please leave a positive review on Amazon for us, thanks! DETAILS AUTHOR-EDITOR: Lochlainn Seabrook INTRODUCTION: Charles Kelly Barrow (former Commander-in-Chief, Sons of Confederate Veterans) CONTENT: adult nonfiction SUBJECTS: biography, politics, constitutionalism, American history, Southern literature, Confederate culture ILLUSTRATED: yes (b/w) SIZE: 5.5” x 8.5” LENGTH: 1,050 pages COVER: paperback/perfect bound/gloss finish; hardcover/case laminate/matte finish PUBLISHER: Sea Raven Press ISBN: 978-0-9858632-3-4 (paperback) ISBN: 978-1-943737-67-3 (hardcover)
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“I am grateful that Southern historian and fellow SCV member Lochlainn Seabrook has created the monumental detailed work The Alexander H. Stephens Reader, dedicated to one of America’s most significant figures. . . . By providing relevant examples of the Confederate Vice-President’s writings and speeches - many of them unknown to the general public - Mr. Seabrook’s massive work is a unique, timely, and much needed contribution to Southern literature that will be valued for generations to come.” - CHARLES KELLY BARROW, former Commander-in-Chief of the Sons of Confederate Veterans
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